Don't Dream It,
Be It!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the longest-running theatrical release in film history. The movie has been shown in theaters since it’s premier in the late Summer of 1975. The story is a tribute to science fiction and B-Horror films of the 1930s-1970s. Initially the film flopped and was booted to the midnight shelf, but it quickly became a cult classic sensation. When the film reached New York City in April of 1976 at the Waverly Theater, audiences began interacting with the film using props, callbacks, and mimicing the characters. From this grew the shadowcast phenomena, where dedicated fans perform in front of the movie. Shadow casts add additional entertainment with preshows, gimicks, parody themes, and more that keep the audiences packing theaters across the globe for the Rocky Horror Experience.
Who THE F*CK Are WE?
What started off as an annual viewing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at Dutchess Community College has now become the Hudson Valley's premier shadow cast company. Since it's first run at DCC in 2000, Apoca-Lips Cast has managed to captivate audiences with a variety of quality performances and shows within the NY-NJ-CT Tri-State area.
Book us today or come see one of our unforgettable shows!